Welcome to Happy-Easter.net, the place to find out everything you need to know about Easter.

Find out about the origins of Easter and its connections to the Jewish festival of Pesach, as well as how different cultures celebrate Easter all over the world. Discover where Easter eggs fit into the event, and how you can decorate your own eggs in traditional fashion. And be sure to read our comprehensive guide to symbols associated with Easter, such as lambs, bells, rabbits and bells.

When Is Easter? Check out our handy Easter calendar tool, which includes Easter dates from 2025 through to 2040. It includes Catholic and Protestant as well as Orthodox Easter dates, along with Pesach too, helping you schedule your festivities.

Finally, you'll find a host of games for kids (and adults) to play over the Easter holidays. Get stuck into memory games with Easter symbols, spot the difference challenges and festive word searches, before tucking into your chocolate eggs or commemorating the holiday.

Whatever you plan to do this Easter, Happy-Easter.net is your one-stop resource for information and enjoyment. So have a look around and make the most of this year's Easter holiday.

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